List Comprehension

Generating list of odd and even numbers.

odds := [x for x <- 1:10:2] evens := [x for x <- 2:10:2] println "odds:", odds println "evens:", evens


squares := [[x, x*x] for x <- 0:10] println "squares:", squares


iterated := [[[y, [x, x*x, x+y]] for y <- 0:10] for x <- 0:10] println "Tracking iterations:", iterated

Split a string

str := "goplus/tutorials" println [x for x <- str.split("")]

Split a string on given character

SplitOn := func(ch, str string) []string { return [x for x <- str.split(ch)] } println SplitOn("t", "goplus/tutorials")

Next example: Functions